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Finally a bit of Happiness!

Happy Tuesday!

In the past year I have never felt so positive about getting better than I do right now. Excuse the clichés and cringe but I really do think this is my time to shine and right now I think have the best chance at getting better than I ever have before. I don’t know what has suddenly released this burst of positivity but it’s there!

Last week I decided I am going back to Uni. For quite a while now I have felt my life is like a hamster wheel. I get up and go to work then do the same again 5 days a week, it’s just not cutting it for me anymore. I need some purpose in my life, I need something to look forward to and to stretch myself again. It might not be this year that I go back but just knowing that I am moving forward and my life isn’t stuck in a place that it would be stuck in forever gives me more of a reason to carry on. I’m going to study events management, hopefully in Liverpool John Moores. Being in Liverpool means I’m really close to home in case anything does go wrong but I can also live away and grow as an independent person. I’m so excited to learn new stuff again and I am defo going to be the best party planner!

My weight-loss has halted, I put 2.5lb on last week, I also ate about 10 mini rolls in about 2 days so I know where the gain came from! I have also been told countless times that I look better with extra weight. I think that is a complement, a backhanded one but still a complement? It’s probably true, I’m quite tall and if I get too small I look a bit weird.  I still feel like I need to lose weight to be comfortable with myself but I might not lose as much as I first thought I needed to.

 I went to a family member’s 50th birthday party this weekend and, not to blow my own trumpet, but nearly everyone told me how amazing I looked (there’s me on the left). Before we arrived I had tried on every dress I own and cried that I was too ugly to leave the house but when I was there and everyone was complementing me I felt a million dollars. It made me realise I have no reason to hate myself as much as I do and that it’s all in my head!

Tomorrow morning I’m jetting off to see my sister, her husband and my niece & nephew in Belgium for a week. I can’t wait! My nephew is only 3 but I have made an Easter Egg Hunt for him to do on Sunday. I don’t think he will understand the concept of it but I’m sure me and my sister will have a ball doing it with/for him! One think he will understand the concept of is painting so I have a little ceramic egg painting set we can do. I can’t wait to spend some quality time with them all as we rarely get to see them, when they visit they have so many people to see we don’t often get more than a day to spend with them. I won’t want to come home after a week. Aside all the playing I am inevitably going to be doing I’m going to read all the books I’ve wanted to read for ages, I’m going to (try and) have lie ins and most of all I’m just going to make sure I enjoy myself!

All the bits and bobs for my Easter Egg Hunt!
I hope you all have a gorgeous Easter and I will be back after my hols!

Love, hugs and kisses,

Ruby xxx

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