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A bit of a 'Foodie' one!

Ciao dolls.

I’m getting weighed again tonight. I’ve been so good this week, I managed to keep my food diary and it really has shamed me into being good! If I don’t want to write it down why should I eat it? I’ve had some gorgeous food though it doesn’t seem like a diet.

We had Spaghetti Carbonara again (twice), it honestly tastes just like the real thing and is only one syn. To make the Carbonara sauce use one egg, 4 tbsp. of quark, a little milk and some chives, mix these all together. Then of course cook the spaghetti, bacon and whatever veg you want. I usually have mushroom and onion which I (well mum) fry off with fry light. Once the spaghetti and bacon are cooked combine them together with the sauce. Leave for literally a few minutes for the egg to cook and it’s ready to go! I decided to pretend I'm posh and serve mine with a bit of parsley on top.

We also had KFC style Chicken, now this wasn’t quite the same as the real deal but was top notch anyway. For the outside of the chicken you use smash which I mixed with a Jamaican chicken seasoning along with some salt and pepper. I dipped the chicken into an egg mixed with some stock and then covered with the smash. I did it twice on each piece and then cooked in the oven until golden. The only problem was that it made me super thirsty! WE had the ‘KFC’ with chips, green beans and mange tout. A syn free version of a very very synful alternative.

I also found that a mini meringue is only 2.5 syns so I have been having one each night after my dinner with fruit and yoghurt. It just hits the spot and finished off my dinner nicely! I have such a sweet tooth so it’s a dessert just sweet enough but not too unhealthy.

Unfortunately I haven’t had the best week thoughL. The doctors are in the process of changing all my treatment so I’m just in that rough period in between things! It’s so difficult to keep going but I have so many amazing people in my life I kinda need to keep going for them. I’m fed up of people telling me that things will get better, it’s been going on so long that is doesn’t feel like it is. But I’m a fighter and I’m trying not to let it all get too much for me. On Monday I have another doctor’s appointment so hopefully we will move a bit further forward in the next month or so. I also have a counselling session on Monday, I’ve had three different counselling sessions so far and I’m struggling to see the point in just trying a fourth time. There’s no harm in giving it a go though is there?

Sam and I didn’t manage to get to Blackpool because she had awful migraines but luckily for us our tickets are valid for 90 days so it’s still on the cards sometime soon!

Can’t end in a negative so I thought I would share with you that I am getting a new car tomorrow. My friends will all know that I wrote my old car off in June last year thanks to a bust up with a hedge. I’m finally at a point where I can afford to get myself another so tomorrow evening I’m hopefully going to collect my new little Micra.

Love, hugs and kisses,

Ruby xxx

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The Journey Continues...

Hello again everyone.

Today was weigh day (dun dun dun). I stayed the same and was completely devastated. That's what I get for being such a secret eater and munching on chocolate when no-one is looking though right? It also doesn't help that I thought a toffee yoghurt from Aldi was syn free wasn't. so basically I've been scoffing the wrong stuff and the really wrong stuff. But it's a fresh week and I've promised Donna that I am going to fill in a food diary and be completely honest. In fact, I'm going to sort through my secret stash of food and chuck all the junk! One of the girls I've become (sort of) friends with gave me some good recipes for this week. I'm going to do a healthy version of KFC chicken with chips and also a gorgeous Carbonara mama made me earlier this week. Hopefully a fab food week and a weight-loss. 

At the weekend I sorted out an ongoing rift with my boyfriends mum. It felt amazing! It's been putting a strain on mine and Jamie's relationship and obviously mine and Tracy's was non existent. A huge weight was lifted and I already feel like things are getting better with me and Jamie. When we met up on Sunday I thought we would only be out for about an hour and I would be dying to get away but it was boss. We walked a ton of miles, which I had completely the wrong shoes for, and then ate ice-cream and walked back. wasn't the weather gorgeous? I was near on taking my top off! Thinking back a big Mr Whippy with sauce and a flake won't have helped with my weight-loss either. 

Overall this week hasn't been great, I couldn't face work on Tuesday and ended up coming home at 12. I couldn't explain it. I woke up feeling awful, I got up and ready but was in tears about going in, anyway I went in but couldn't hack it. they were lovely about it though, they all know about my depression. when I did go in on Wednesday everyone was checking I was okay and it just made me feel so loved! Then today was a good day so not all bad! 

This weekend Sam and I are going to Blackpool, nothing like a best pal, some bad weather and a ton of fun to cheer up a depressive. The hotel we are going to has more awful reviews than good reviews but it's only two nights and its a bed to sleep on. I will update my blog when we're back to let you know all our mishaps and how we get on. 

Thanks for reading. 

Love, hugs and kisses,

Ruby xxx

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The Start of a (very long) Journey.

Morning to all my fellow princesses!

I’m Ruby, I'm 20, from Birkenhead (near Liverpool) and a blogging virgin.

I’ve decided to give blogging a go because a couple of my best pals say it is very therapeutic. So I’m here to keep myself going and definitely to help others understand we are not alone and we can get through anything.

I have been struggling with depression for around a year, it’s been awful, I’ve been thrown from pillar to post and been referred to more medical teams than I knew existed! So, I've tried all the doctor suggested and decided to take my own action and try to combat it. Depression is such an invisible illness, you can’t just ‘get over it’ or ‘pull yourself together’. It’s so hard for me to understand my own feelings or why I am feeling this so as much as everyone wants to help they can’t understand it either.

I recently joined slimming world. Some of the tablets I have been taking have increased my appetite and I found it a lot easier to binge on junk food which means I’ve put on 2stone in the past month and a half. So instead of going it alone I decided to join my mamas slimming world class. I have only been there a week but lost two pounds. Documenting my weight loss will be much more motivating for me so expect photos of some syn free meals!

My best friend and I are also about to start training to do a tough mudder. I’m 5’8 and 12st1lb and Sam is smaller than me in both aspects, if you look at what a tough mudder is (http://toughmudder.co.uk/) me and Sam definitely wouldn't be the ideal candidates! But we both want to get fitter and why not aim for a big event and raise money for a wonderful cause too?

So basically, this blog is for me to document and share my journey through depression, my weight loss, my fitness training and just little snippets of my everyday life. I hope that reading my blog can help other people get through their own battles. Whether that be their depression, weight loss or any other aspects of my blogging.

If anyone does want to contact me they can email me (evansruby94@gmail.com).My twitter is https://twitter.com/rubyevans_ and my Instagram is http://instagram.com/rubyevansxo . Feel free to have a wee nosey!

Welcome to my world, I hope you enjoy it and decide to follow me through the rest of my journey.

Love, hugs and kisses,

Ruby xxx

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