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The Start of a (very long) Journey.

Morning to all my fellow princesses!

I’m Ruby, I'm 20, from Birkenhead (near Liverpool) and a blogging virgin.

I’ve decided to give blogging a go because a couple of my best pals say it is very therapeutic. So I’m here to keep myself going and definitely to help others understand we are not alone and we can get through anything.

I have been struggling with depression for around a year, it’s been awful, I’ve been thrown from pillar to post and been referred to more medical teams than I knew existed! So, I've tried all the doctor suggested and decided to take my own action and try to combat it. Depression is such an invisible illness, you can’t just ‘get over it’ or ‘pull yourself together’. It’s so hard for me to understand my own feelings or why I am feeling this so as much as everyone wants to help they can’t understand it either.

I recently joined slimming world. Some of the tablets I have been taking have increased my appetite and I found it a lot easier to binge on junk food which means I’ve put on 2stone in the past month and a half. So instead of going it alone I decided to join my mamas slimming world class. I have only been there a week but lost two pounds. Documenting my weight loss will be much more motivating for me so expect photos of some syn free meals!

My best friend and I are also about to start training to do a tough mudder. I’m 5’8 and 12st1lb and Sam is smaller than me in both aspects, if you look at what a tough mudder is (http://toughmudder.co.uk/) me and Sam definitely wouldn't be the ideal candidates! But we both want to get fitter and why not aim for a big event and raise money for a wonderful cause too?

So basically, this blog is for me to document and share my journey through depression, my weight loss, my fitness training and just little snippets of my everyday life. I hope that reading my blog can help other people get through their own battles. Whether that be their depression, weight loss or any other aspects of my blogging.

If anyone does want to contact me they can email me (evansruby94@gmail.com).My twitter is https://twitter.com/rubyevans_ and my Instagram is http://instagram.com/rubyevansxo . Feel free to have a wee nosey!

Welcome to my world, I hope you enjoy it and decide to follow me through the rest of my journey.

Love, hugs and kisses,

Ruby xxx

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